Saturday, November 26, 2022


 This week was a crazy one for sure! The holidays with work and school did not look out for me at all. Quite honestly felt like they were all out to kill me this thanksgiving. But nonetheless, I pressed forward and was able to learn quite a bit from my classmates and usual. This week we went over tracking information again for our websites, we also worked on in some discussions about SEO and how they work and other ideas they had that we can implement in our business. One of the great ideas that were brought to my attention was endorsements, specifically from bigger name brands or companies to have your name partnered or trusted by recognizable companies. This really was a home run for me as in the position I am in for work directly correlates with this and it is fully true. Making a name for yourself and the company is hard so sponsoring or making a partnership is key to success often times.

Saturday, November 19, 2022


This week was interesting. There was not much to really do besides edit and edit our ads again. This was so simple and easy for me until I was taught that editing was an important and key part of ads. We have t see what works and what does not. With this now in mind, I was able to take much more out of this week maybe than others. The other thing I found helpful was watching some ad tutorials on YouTube and being able to learn and take away quite a bit from multiple people. Now realizing what ad optimization can and will do for simple ads is helpful for the future especially. As we change and edit things and learn from our and others' mistakes we can become the experts we need and others will look up to as well. I'm excited to see how my ads perform and what I can do next!

Friday, November 11, 2022


This week was more collaborative than last week. There were a lot more technical assignments and just on the constructing side of things as well. We downloaded some more apps to help our ads be tracked and save information. We linked our websites to the website we created for our business and we also linked google ads to google analytics. This will track how ads perform on our site and track and log all the information for me as well as suggest improvements for your website. These things are key for your business and website, even more so now as we are starting our website and business. We are beginners so having these tools really helps out and teaches us. Eventually, we can find mentors and other people in the industry to ask questions and help guide us to success it comes in many different ways which I have realized recently. This week has taught me a lot and what I can accomplish. 

Saturday, November 5, 2022


This week was more ad relevant and learning how we can max the amount of attention we can receive from ads by just rewriting and making simple fixes in our headings and points. This seemed dumb and not worth it but once I reviewed things and noticed how either too specific or too broad in my ad campaigns I realized how double-checking your work and even just coming back to it after two days allows you to really look at it as if you never worked on it and critique yourself. A huge benefit was also getting experienced second opinions from business professional backgrounds and just another big surprise and lesson learned is letting inexperienced people as well take a look as a normal consumer who knows nothing about the business and letting them figure out what it is.  Seeing if my ads are too much if the website works and is everything for a purpose heading and points.